Going Off the Grid

Dangers Of Failing To Pump Your Septic Tank

Failing to pump your septic tank as required will obviously cause you problems. You can never get away with neglecting your septic tank. Surprisingly, here are the known dangers of failing to get your septic tank pumped on time.

Nasty Fumes

Your septic tank holds food and human waste. Therefore, don't expect the contents of the tank to smell great. Luckily, these contents cannot escape if you keep the tank maintained. But, if you decide not to pump the tank, you'll definitely have to deal with nasty fumes. As the tank fills with wastewater, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide will escape. 

That's why a putrid odor will rock your yard and home. Besides, some of these gases are dangerous and can cause organ damage. So, get a 24/7 septic tank pumping service whenever you suspect the tank is almost full.

Sewer Water Backing Up Into Your Home

Your household will always have wastewater going into the septic tank. Unfortunately, things might turn ugly when the septic tank becomes full and you fail to pump it. The wastewater will attempt to find a way out. And in most cases, it will force its way out of the drains. That explains why you might discover sewer water backing up into your home. 

Having sewer water in your washroom and sinks is something you'd never want to experience. The water will leave your home smelling like rotten eggs. Besides, you risk getting diseases from the sewer water.

Sluggish Drains

Failing to get septic pumping services will also affect your drains. As the septic tank runs out of space, it will struggle to accommodate more waste. As a result, all the drains will be sluggish, and water will take much longer to clear from the sinks and bathtubs. You might assume that you have clogged pipes, but the problem lies in the septic tank.


The last thing you'd want is for your septic tank to overflow. The sewer water will pool around your yard and create a nice breeding ground for mosquitoes. You might even notice an increase in mosquitoes in your yard due to the pools of sewer water. You can only prevent such scenarios by routinely pumping your tank. By doing so, you'll never have to deal with sewer water escaping from the septic tank.

Contaminated Groundwater

Neglecting your septic system might also lead to contaminated groundwater. You might have the contents of your septic system make their way into groundwater. This mainly happens when you fail to pump the septic tank. So, if you have a well, make sure you take septic pumping seriously.