Going Off the Grid

Tips to Keep Your Home Plumbing Cleaned and in Good Repair

The plumbing system of your home eliminates waste and household water from your home continually for a microbe-clean environment. Fortunately, some circumstances can cause a clogged drain or pipe in your home that will lead to slow draining lines, full-on clogs, and sewage back-ups into the house. Here are some tips to help you keep your home's plumbing system in good working order.

Use System-Appropriate Line Cleaners

When you have a home septic system, it is a good idea that you do all you can to protect the tank's beneficial bacteria but you also deal with line clogs and build-up. You can easily complete this task with a treatment that is not going to put bleach or other harsh cleaners into your sewer lines or the septic tank because they will cause harmful damage to your septic tank and can corrode the inside of your waste lines.

Look for an enzymatic sewer line cleaner, which works to naturally break down solid waste inside the line and coating the interior of the pipe. This type of enzyme cleaner needs to be poured into a drain of your home, where it will get to work over the next several hours to clean out the line. So, complete this task at night just before you go to bed and possibly into the next day, so be careful that you allow the cleaner to work before you use the drain. You can find an enzyme drain cleaner at most home improvement retailers or ask your plumbing professional about where to purchase it. 

Arrange For High Power Cleanings 

In septic and traditional sewer system lines in your home, there is another option to keep your lines cleaned out, and it involves a DIY task and also can include a professional service. Your plumbing professional can help in this manner when your sewer lines have started showing the traditional signs of a clog or slow draining line, and they can clean out the line with a hydro-jet line cleaner. This cleaning process uses high-pressure water that goes through the line with their cleaning snake to clean out the interior of the pipe of any residues, clogs, or other debris that has collected. And because it only uses water, it keeps your system chemical-free and also restores the interior to looking new again.

Another option for cleaning comes from a sewer snake or auger, which goes through your lines to break apart the clog right where it is. You can complete your own sewer snake with an at-home kit, or hire this with your plumber. Or, you could just hire a drain cleaning service to address this for you.